Sunday, May 29, 2011

Easter in Oklahoma

Like we've done several times over the past few years, we met my parents for a long weekend in Oklahoma, and my grandmother, sister and brother-in-law came along this time.

They are all so musically talented, it's incredible. Kenny, Ian, Mom and Dad makes some beautiful music when they get together. My sister and I sit back and get to enjoy it.

Avery had just started crawling and pulling up on chairs on this trip. This was also the first time for us to get to see my sister after she got pregnant. They are getting ready to move to Boise, Idaho, where Kenny is starting a new job at a church, and she's due in November. The other big celebration on this trip was Kenny's graduation from college.

It was so wonderful to get to see GaGa for a few days straight. She went canoeing with us on Easter Sunday. It was a wonderful 3 hour canoe on a river in Beaver's Bend State Park. (Hopefully I can get some of the other photos from the egg-hunting and hikes from two readers of this blog who have cameras who were on that trip. :) )

1 comment:

Earth Mama Sarah said...

love it! you are an inspiring supermama!your boys are so cute and sweet- ah, little jules. when we get back from the beach next week i'd love to get all the kids together for some play time, and possibly a bbq? (typed one-handed while holding a balancing standing up scarlet, who wakes up early these days)