Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Some firsts we could do without

Quickly, before the child awakes...

Today is Julian's first Halloween. If he were dressing up and going out, he'd be a lifeguard. But after the few days we've had, with everyone in the house except Ian yaking at least once (Shiva included), we're going to be lying low tonight. Julian has his first temperature yesterday (discovered after his first rectal temperature exam — at least done by me anyway). I was sick most of the day, probably left overs from Julian's throwing up sick day on Sunday (another first!). Triste all around, indeed. We're all feeling better today, but we don't want to push it just in the name of Halloween.

Julian had a Halloween playdate last week, of which I've posted pictures here. I also posted this month's photo album here. LinkI realized I was lying about buying pictures via flickr (booo, hisss, flickr!). I can buy photos of my stuff but the general population cannot. If you would like some pictures (for the upcoming gift season, perhaps?), let me know which ones and I can probably order them for you.

Happy Halloween!

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