Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Spare any change?

RonD has some points to consider about this What Not to Wear thing. How change is inevitable, essential, and at its root, a little bit scary.
Humans seem hard-wired to reinvent themselves every six, seven, eight years. But how often can one accomplish such a TOTAL update -- hair, makeup and that BAD ASS WARDROBE you get to pick -- in such sweeping fashion? And without doling out any of your own dimes! Goddamn, but that's fine.

Enjoy the experience. You should feel excited, and a little out of breath. Dashes of sweet anticipation. You will change in ways you don't know, but they'll be good and cool changes ... The Japanese like to say that you can do nothing about your feelings; change your behavior and your feelings will follow. I'm excited to see what the new exterior will do for the inside you.
On the surface, What Not to Wear is about fashion, of course. But if you've watched the show more than a couple of times, you know it also extends deeper than that. Even in the lamest of cases, a change in appearance, for the better, is going to affect the made-over person on many nuanced layers, which are different for every person. The show thrusts them into reinvention, a total update, as RonD puts it, something we all could use every few years. And, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. I mean, seriously, I am awash in gratitude for Ian and the universe powers that be lined this up for me. It's like I won the lottery and hit the Mega Millions jackpot of inflicted personal change and growth.

And with winning the lottery comes all kinds of unexpected changes, which I'll do my best to be prepared for. Stacy and Clinton aren't known for being polite in this process. They are as much life coaches as stylists. They dig into the psychology behind weight and overall physical appearance. There is often crying.

As in life, just as you start thinking you know exactly how it will be, something else will come along and mix it up. Television show or notwithstanding, I will try to take Mr. Davis' advice about enjoying the anticipation of the unknown and remembering the very "Ask and it is Given" mindset that you cannot change how you feel, only how you choose to behave and react.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder to order the monthly cd's of abraham hicks. You make it easy for me to follow my intentions for 2008!