Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I think Julian's already better at numbers than I am. Well, I guess I can count to 10 without missing a few numbers, but to hear him do it sounds so much more impressive. A week or so ago, I swear he counted to 10 and only missed 3 and 8, but now he's just doing the 1-2-3-4 or 5-6-7 or 9-10, but not together. He will call out 6s and Ws when he sees them, and he's starting to string together words more. "Biiiiig truck" or "milk please mommy." "Ready set go" is one of his favorites right now, too. As you can tell from the video, he's added "casa" to his short list of Spanish words.

The cutest thing right now might be his fake sneezes that he'll draw out over several seconds and then look at us because he knows his antics make us laugh. Or maybe the cutest thing is that he'll chime in and say "me too" anytime Ian or I says that or if we say we love you or miss you.

He also tinkled, which is the perfect words for his three little drops of pee, in the potty for the first time today.


Anonymous said...

What sweetness! I love it!

Earth Mama Sarah said...

Ah Julian! Ruby is now saying 1...2...12...13...12...13...12131213- can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!