Sunday, June 21, 2009

Family bonding (on a boat, with some bats)

My mom, sister and grandmother all drove to Austin last week to spend a few days with us. It had been a long five or six months since we'd seen them, a very long time in toddler years.

By the time we were taking this boat ride on Lady Bird Lake on Friday night, I knew their trip was going to be one of the most special times we could have together. Last time they were all down together was for the wedding, and things were just too crazy to really be present and enjoy their company.

But this time was different. They stayed with us (Ian is the most patient husband in the world. Happy Father's Day, amor.), and we spent most of our time shopping for and consuming food, be it at the farmers' market or po'boys we ate on this boat we rented to get an up-close view of the bats flying out from under the Congress Avenue bridge. (Click here to see the rest of the pictures on Flickr. Remember, you have to add me as a contact -- and be logged in -- to see family photos there.)

When we weren't seeking or eating food (and even moreso when we were), we were just enjoying eat other. Reading the newspaper, checking out the garden, playing silly games with Julian.

I'm so glad they made the trek, and it makes me wish we didn't live so far apart (or that teletransportation were invented so it didn't take an exhausting 12 hours to drive). I can't wait to see them again.

Maybe we'll have to rent another boat, this time with my dad. (Happy Father's Day, Dad! We missed you this weekend, but you probably would have gone crazy with all us girls.)

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