Friday, December 25, 2009

The merriest of Christmases

We're having a blast with everyone in Austin. GaGa and my sister and her husband are in Missouri, stuck in one of the whitest Christmases in recent memory. It will be their memory, not mine, because on this sunny day, we are headed to Uncle Tom's house, where I'll hoping shoot more photos to add to this Flickr gallery.

In this set of photos, you'll see more of Ian-turned-Santa, the Statesman's Cookie Swap party that I organized, as well as our Hanukkah/Christmas/solstice/birthday party last week, where I fried latkes for everyone and our friend Jodi led a menorah lighting.

Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season! Enjoy the snow for me, if you have it. It's been far too long since I've been surrounded by a peaceful winter wonderland.

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