Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy birthday. Have some staples.

So many words, so few I can manage to type here. Sorry, dear readers, for leaving you hanging for so long.

Just a few days after Julian's third birthday, he fell off the couch and gashed his head open. Had to get two staples. The first such minor emergency for us, and I'm happy the first is over. He was a trooper, but it was hard on everyone. He got the staples out and had his yearly well-check, which went well. He's healthy and growing just like he should. We are so blessed.

As usual, he's on fire, telling jokes, coming up with crazy questions and exploring the world of Hot Wheels. (He recently got a Hot Wheels collector book with hundreds and hundreds of car pictures. He's as happy as a pig in slop.)

A few cute things he's said lately:

"I'm a big boy. I can teach anyone anything."

"The snow is so beautiful! It is beautiful to my heart and to life and to earth. Life comes to the earth!"

Today, we made flapjacks with blueberry syrup, which he was just delighted to help with and — surprisingly — eat. (He's your typically picky kid these days.)

I have some pictures on my camera that I'll download and hopefully post soon. Thanks for understanding how nuts life with a young kid and a more than full time job is. Blogging about me and the family has just taken a place on the backburner lately. :/

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