Saturday, May 1, 2010

And baby boy makes four

The news started to trickle out to our friends and family in January, then our wider circle in Austin, including work, and finally on Twitter and Facebook, so it's time to fess up here.

We're having another baby.

Looks like baby boy No. 2 will be born in September, just as the heat of the summer finally starts to set into our bones and we lose hope that it will ever turn cool again. But we get what we ask for: I didn't want to have another baby in winter, so I'm lucky enough to get to have one in summer this time around. Boy or girl, I could have cared less, but now that we know it's a boy, I'm thrilled to think of Julian having a little brother.

He's pretty excited, too. It's a hard concept to impart on a 3-year-old, but he's really digging the idea of a baby brother, for whom he's always coming up with different weird names. (Most of them characters from movies or strange sounds like Wall-E or Ree-Roo.) He gives my belly tickles and kisses and — most of the time — is happy to share his Lucky Charms or quesadilla with his mommy so the baby can have some.

Speaking of the belly, there she is, growing by the day. I can still wear most of my clothes, but just with a rubber band to close the button and a cloth band to cover up the open fly. I'm very excited about having an excuse to wear moo-moo dresses all summer long (as if I needed one!), and swimming has already proven to be a relaxing, soothing way to easing my muscles.

When Ian was a kid, it was often just him and his dad, so in some ways, he has an only kid mentality. I feel so lucky to have grown up alongside Chelsea, and I knew I'd want two kids. When Julian was born and just an infant, it was hard to imagine having the energy, time or gumption to want to go through it all again, but I knew we'd eventually feel ready again. I feel so fortunate that Julian has grown into such an independent little boy and Ian into such a confident, patient father. It's a lot easier to prepare for this new little life because each of us plays a role in making our family stronger.

Being pregnant again has been great. Last pregnancy was pretty easy, minus the heartburn, and I'm feeling the second trimester glory right now. It's so funny to me, now that I've been pregnant, then not pregnant and now pregnant again, the stereotypes about pregnant women, especially about their emotional stability.

Sure, all kinds of crazy things are happening with hormones and anticipating such a big change, but I feel more focused and confident than ever when I've got a baby growing inside me. Many pregnant women report feeling in their prime, some physical symptoms notwithstanding. I'm lucky enough not to be suffering from nausea (I had some in the beginning, but it was linked to when I was taking vitamins. Once I started taking them at night, the nausea went away) or back pain (I'm sure that's probably coming soon.), but emotionally, I feel like I know what I want for myself and my family and there's little that can stop me.

Mentally, preggo brain does seem to have set in, which means I'm pretty freakin' forgetful, but even though I sometimes can't come up with the exact word or phrase I'd like, I still know that the feeling behind it is solid. I have no tolerance for people who come into our life and affect our balance in a negative way, and I just don't have time to deal with pettiness or problems that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

I'm bakin' a baby, people. Family is very clearly at the top of my priority list.

After all, come September, there will be four of us.


Leslie said...

I noticed No. 4 even got a mention in your grandmother's birthday announcement in the newspaper recently!

Chelsea Barrett said...

Yeah! So stinkin excited!

Kay said...

Love this post, especially where you address the whole "pregnant & crazy" issue. Sure, hormones can zig & zag but you are 100% correct about the feeling of being focused, centered and strong. I remember thinking "I'm makin' a baby from scratch, I can do ANYTHING!". LOL

Heidi said...

Aw! Much, much congratulations, Addie!