Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cascarones and a trip to the zoo

I am (or was, as of Friday afternoon) at inbox zero for all three of my primary e-mail addresses. (Ah, the weird world we live in where three e-mail addresses isn't out of the norm.)

Why stop at e-mail? Here are some pictures from this spring I found buried in my iPhone. Better five months late than never, right?

Just before SXSW, we took a trip to Fort Worth to see Ian's brother's family. We had the best few days with them, including this trip to the Fort Worth Zoo.

Just before Easter, it was all about cascarones at Julian's school party. All the kids (and the adults) had a few dozen eggshells filled with confetti to break up and throw on people.

We were cleaning confetti out of our hair for days.

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