Thursday, December 13, 2007

The forecast

I've been working during the day this week, which has thrown everything off in more ways than one. Ian's about ready to lose it staying home all day with the little guy. And I know what he means: It's totally different watching him for 8 daytime hours than 8 evening hours. I can't imagine how stay-at-home parents with partners who work normal hours do it. It's ridiculously exhausting to parent by yourself during the most active time of the day. So I don't blame Ian for being on edge a little this week.

Blogging clearly has taken a hit, too. But we're all hoping for a respite here in the next little while when we go to Missouri to visit my family for Christmas. I couldn't be more excited about the trip, if only for the break from a rascally 11-month-old.

I will post more from the northern hinterlands, where snow is in the forecast. So is some extra sleep and free time.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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