Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blog for Choice Day

I don't usually participate in these blog-wide activities, be them memes or national blog anythings, but I feel particularly strong about preserving a woman's right to choose to have an abortion or not. I join millions of others who are speaking out in support of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion 35 years ago.

I'll be short about it. Thousands of abortions a year are going to happen regardless of if they are legal or not, which puts the health of thousands of women, from all backgrounds, of all races and economic classes, in much danger. Coat hangers and a back-alley abortion make for a horrific image; what a social tragedy would it be if they started becoming a widespread reality (again). We can't even provide free or low cost birth control and condoms, and we're making it more expensive for women to buy birth control. We can't even support the unwanted children that already exist in the world.

I support the right to choose. And don't forget that it is a choice. I happened to be in a place in my life (emotionally, physically, mentally, financially) where I was ready to choose to have Julian. You can't make that choice for someone else.


Anonymous said...

Support the constitution - leave abortion issues to the states.
You'll never guess who endorsed Ron Paul... http://www.nolanchart.com/article1361.html

Jess and Josh said...

Hey Addie,
I got your comment on my blog. It's nice to see someone who can relate to how I'm feeling. And thanks for the kind words about the Washington Post quote. That was the first time I'd been quoted by a newspaper of that caliber and it pretty much freaked me out.

I'm very into pop culture journalism and feminism; my two favorite blogs are Gawker and Jezebel. After today, I don't know what kind of journalist I want to be. Maybe I should go back to my middle school dreams of wanting to be a poet.

Anyway, thanks for the comment. I'll be sure to check your blog out as you update.


Anonymous said...

From my perspective, it would be difficult to know that a grandchild of mine was aborted. But I am not in control of anyone but myself, so I concur that no one has the right to change a law that controls a woman's life. I read somewhere that 50 million babies have been aborted since 1972. We have no statistics showing how many of those children would have ended up abused/neglected. We have a hard time keeping up with the ones who were wanted and then thrown away to society to raise. Thanks for standing up for what's right for all, not just you.