Thursday, January 24, 2008

Statesman blog and birthday preview

So it begins.

I leave for New York on Sunday to finish filming the rest of the What Not to Wear episode. The Statesman is going to let me do all kinds of cool stuff while I'm there, including updating The Goods, the newspaper's fashion blog. To get things rolling, fashion writer Marques Harper and I sat down for a visit (and video) last week.

In the next few days, I'll start transitioning any What Not to Wear posts to a blog, but I'll post a link up here.

In the mean time, we've got a first birthday to celebrate! Just think, one year ago today, I went from walking around H-E-B with my mom, who'd just arrive from Missouri after I called her and told her to fly down once they'd popped one of my bags of water, to moaning and groaning in a freezing ass cold (well, it was lukewarm, but it had the same effect) tub, wishing my lighthearted demeanor of early labor could somehow magically return.

In perfect world, we'd be celebrating today, January 24, as Julian's birthday. A day(ish) of intense, yet progressing labor at the well-lit and deceptively welcoming birthing center. (That's right, Jean Stokes, I'm talking to you. Next time you stick castor oil in my pocket on the way out the door to try to kick start labor, I'll open the bottle and pour it on your head. And I'll roll my eyes when you point to the gigantic jacuzzi and tell me there will be an ambulance on call, "just in case." Oh wait, there won't be a next time with you.) Alas, Julian wasn't quite ready to enter the world. He turned his little body face out and got himself stuck.

It was a good thing he waited, though. The hospital the following day was a blessing. If we'd have gone through with the "perfect" labor I'd imagined, we wouldn't have had the help of all those nice nurses at St. David's. And I wouldn't have this happy face scar on my belly to remind me of how much joy he brings to this world.


Anonymous said...

Only you, Addie, would call your scar a happy face! You have been rewarded with a beautiful and happy baby boy because you were the brightest and happiest baby and now mother that I have ever known.

Jenny said...

Heh. Happy birthday to both of you. It sucks thinking of you in the cold tub... that's one bonus to not being allowed to go to the birthing center. And in a lot of ways I like to think of Jan 12th as Ols birthday... the day he came home from the hospital. I like my scar too. If I ever get the wrinkly flesh sack "fixed" I hope they can leave that scar... it was hard won and I consider it my own tattoo. :)

erin said...

Happy Birthday Julian!

And I loved watching the video of you and Marques at the Statesman.

New York, here you come!
Love you.