Monday, March 31, 2008

I am excitable

No life-changing news so far this week. I'm actually kinda glad. I'm still getting used to the "Hey, I saw you on TV" that I've been getting at H-E-B and around town, and I'm having a hard time sleeping for all the ideas spinning in my head for this new job. Oh, and Julian's a little blossoming Einstein, too.

He's got all these genius babies to look up to, and now he's adding his own adorable contributions. He rubs his hands together when you turn on the faucet or say "Wash your hands" or "Clean." He points to the sky when he hears the birds, and I've even seen him sign "plane" when one soars overhead. He's got "more" down and, like Jenny posted recently, I can't help but agree that all I want is more of him lately. (And when moms talk about this concept of unending joy their babies bring, don't think we don't get frustrated and burnt out like everybody else. Just those feelings fade pretty quickly when they pull some charming stunt as simple as a smile and a hug.) Julian's just irresistible to me these days.

OK, enough with the kid-gushing. Here are some cool things I've come across lately. I wrote some captions for a photo package about an interactive photography installation in downtown Austin. It's called "I AM _____" and the artists ask you to fill in the blank. You'd be surprised at the responses.

See more photos here.

And only time for one more cool thing. Bon Iver played SXSW and the kids all flipped.

Here's why:

Julian's March photo gallery to come tomorrow...

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