Sunday, April 26, 2009

When drooling on the couch beats blogging

For fun -- or more accurately, how to maintain this personal blog and still enjoy the small amount of free time I have -- how about I start posting what I did on the weekend instead of blog?

OK, that's not a sustainable long-term plan, but for today, that's what I'm going to do.

- Hung out with Aaron and Sarah, whose Ruby has the sweetest curls and kisses for Julian. They've known each other since in utero, a special bond that will never be replaced.

- Went out to Uncle Tom's house to see Becca and him. The first time in probably three or four months, the longest we've gone without seeing them since we've lived here.

- Took a nap! Yes, with the windows open this afternoon, I closed my eyes to the slow breath of an overcast spring day and drooled on the couch pillows. Just what I needed.

- Went to a coworker's bridal shower and had a drink and fantastic food with a friend I've made in the food world. We're contemplating a 48 Laws of Power book for women. If I am truly inspired, I might toy with it here. If y'all don't mind.

- Hand-wrote two notes to my remaining grandparents, two of whom just moved to be with my family in Aurora. No sense in talking the talk and not walking the walk. Snail mail has a place, and I'll be damned if it goes away with my generation.

- And, most importantly at this point in my feel-like-an-adult-and-not-just-a-working-mom path, read a book. Not all of one, but 50 pages in a few days feels like I just finished my first Harry Potter. (For all you non-moms who scoff and say you'll find time to read, just wait until they are bipedal.)

Thank you for your patience while I blog every day elsewhere and live my life not attached to a computer when I'm not.


Jenny said...

Awesome. You are, as always, an inspiration.

Addie said...

Thanks for those kind words, Jenny. Always getting inspiration from my fellow mamas. :)