Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We barbecue; it rains

The few times we've actually felt warm drops of water falling from the sky this summer are also the nights we happen to try to grill food in our backyard. After three times, it seemed almost a surefire way to get some relief. We cooked in the rain, and it was an experience to marvel in this the driest and hottest summer I've weathered.

Even though the heat has backed off (the highs are only in the 93-97 range) and we're still dry as a cotton ball, I planted a few seeds for our fall garden last weekend. I'll be posting a garden update on Relish Austin soon, but in the meantime, here are some highlights from around the house from the past few weeks.

One of Julian's first real representational drawings. "It's an elephant, Mama."


Scott said...

After showing these pictures to my mom she said, "It just amazes me how much she looks like her mom."
Tell Julian I like his elephant.

Unknown said...

I LOVE THE ELEPHANT! it looks really good! and the food looks super good. stake with lobster and pepers. thanks for keeping me updated with your life lol