Monday, February 4, 2008

"What Not to Wear" shopping spree

I just spent $4,000 in 12 hours on what I hope will be the majority of an all new wardrobe. We went uptown; we went downtown. We shopped high end and low end (hello, my trusty friend, H&M). I spent way too much on jeans and shoes and have the blisters to prove it. I found cute things, sexy things and professional things. Vintage and cutting edge. Bright colors, neutrals and everything in between. High heels and flats. Casual and elegant. Jewelry and camisoles.

But that's all I'm going to tell you. I finally understood the surprise element today. That I'm going to come home on Friday and show off this "new me" (don't worry, they haven't changed the real me, just what I look like on the outside), and to tell you all every detail of it would ruin the inherent shock of before and after.

I wish I could reveal more about what exactly I bought! Let's just say there are lots of adorable outfits that, in due time, you'll get to see. I will say that it is a little hard keeping my life in Austin in mind when I'm here. The heat. The child. The relaxed dress code. Standing for hours to watch a band. I think the crew and hosts forget that things like grocery shopping and laundry have to be done in these clothes, too. And did I say the heat already?

Stay tuned to The Goods and you'll probably get to see more than you'll see in the entire episode of "What Not to Wear" when it actually airs sometime in March. (That's one thing that I've learned about television. They will probably shoot 100 hours of footage to make an hour of "reality" TV. If I buy 100 pieces of clothing here, you'll only see 10.)

No Stacy and Clinton today. Just a really sweet set of crew members whose job it is to help me feel better about myself. Not that thought I really needed help in that area, but they're showing me what potential I really do have. How to show off The Goods, ya know?

Alas, I cannot leave you without a photo of at least one thing I've purchased on my trip. One item of clothing Stacy and Clinton really hated was my worn-to-pieces jean jacket. They might have thrown my jean jacket away, but I found the perfect present for the kiddo, because, no matter what "they" say, you know it's never too early for something so undeniably, unequivocally cool.

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