Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Prepare to be horrified

Oh, gez, check this out -- I found this image of me on What Not to Wear with straight hair. If you look closely, you should be able to see my red, tear-stained face, the result of crying off camera for 20 minutes after catching a glimpse of my new 'do.

More than six months later, I still cringe at the image.

For those of you who haven't seen the episode, what do you think?

P.S. We'd gotten a call this week from the show; they wanted to ask a few questions in preparation for a follow-up episode they were going to shoot at the end of the month. Told them about the food job, my new style, etc. etc. and thought it was a signed deal, but we got a message today saying they regretted to tell us that they weren't going to come to Austin this time around. Too bad, I say. They don't get to see my new kick ass teal heels.


Anonymous said...

I want to cry too!

Jenny said...

Honestly the person in the picture is unrecognizable to me. They should have done a follow up with you! You've accomplished so much stuff since the show!

Unknown said...

Saw your show this weekend! You were just precious! Just a really sweet guest. Thanks for making me smile! -j