Monday, September 1, 2008

Julian photos August 2008

I didn't realize what a busy month it had been until I flipped through all the photos from the past four weeks. Between hanging out on the potty and eating barbecue, Julian has had a couple of trips to the library, a weekend with Erin in Houston, a run-in with the sofa (thus the scabby lip) and a camping trip with Corey this weekend to Enchanted Rock, west of Austin in the Hill Country.

When we were huffing it around Enchanted Rock, I realized that the last time Julian and I had been to the top of that giant granite rock was when I was about seven months pregnant. It was also his first camping trip as an interactive toddler, but I think he's more work at home than he is in the wide outdoors. Too much to explore. I guess that's why we all get out in the woods every now and then.

Update: I've started making many of my photos on Flickr viewable for only friends. So, if you can only see a handful of pictures in this slideshow and would like to be able to see more, make me a friend/contact on Flickr. You'll have to set up a Flickr account if you don't have one. Sorry for the inconvenience!

1 comment:

Earth Mama Sarah said...

Ok, so I've been promising Ruby some Julian time for weeks, and looking at these pictures are totally adorable, but 'tis definitely not
the same as squeezing a Julian! So, can we come over? We'll call the house later.